Challenges with Measurement and Accounting of the Plus in REDD+
This report lays out different definitions of the Plus in REDD+, the challenges countries face in measuring and accounting for it, and questions whether current policies are ‘fit for purpose’ for catalyzing carbon removals from forests.
Large Scale Forestation for Climate Mitigation:
Lessons from South Korea, China, and India
This report analyzes the long-term experiences of three countries that achieved significant carbon sequestration from tree planting and, from this, draws lessons on what is needed, and what could be achievable more broadly for climate mitigation.
Forest Mitigation:
A Permanent Contribution to the Paris Agreement
This report explains why forest mitigation should be considered on par with emission reductions from other sectors such as fossil fuels, refuting the notion—often expressed—that forest mitigation is not permanent.
GHG Fluxes from Forests: An assessment of national GHG estimates and independent research
This report seeks to clarify which forest-related emissions and removals are (and are not) included in national GHG inventories submitted to the UNFCCC and to identify and explain divergences with independent studies, including those summarized in IPCC Assessment Reports.
UNFCCC Accounting for Forests: What’s in and what’s out of NDCs and REDD+
This policy brief provides information on how forests are included in GHG inventories, NDCs and REDD+ reference levels, why their scope may differ, and other issues around “accounting” for forest-related mitigation performance.
Understanding Land Use in the UNFCCC
This guide seeks to explain the treatment of land use under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), including requirements for reporting GHG emissions and removals, accounting under the Kyoto Protocol, and guidance for REDD+.