Aurelio Vianna
Senior Program Officer
Sustainable Development
Ford Foundation – Rio de Janeiro
Aurélio Vianna Jr. is the Ford Foundation Sustainable Development Senior Program Officer in Brazil. His grant making supports the efforts of traditional peoples – including rubber tappers, peasants, indigenous peoples and rural afro-descendants – to gain access to land and territories and participate in the policy making process for land use planning. Before coming to the Ford Foundation, he worked in applied research, project management and political activism. He has worked as lecturer in Social Anthropology at the Universities of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and Brasília (UnB); has coordinated some Brazilian NGOs, such as the Socioeconomics Studies Institute (INESC) and the Amazon Studies Institute (IEA). In 2003, he was appointed as Director of the two main environmental Brazilian government and international cooperation programs: the Pilot Program to Conserve the Brazilian Rainforests (PPG-7) and the Amazon Protected Areas Program (ARPA). Vianna has written many articles on peasants and politics in Brazil, on socio-environmental effects of international financial institutions projects and policies, and on social movements and the environment. He holds a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology (National Museum, Brazil).